Monday, September 22, 2008


This is a few weeks old, however The FontFeed has just been relaunched. FontFeed "is a daily dispatch of recommended fonts, typography techniques, and inspirational examples of digital type at work in the real world." This resource is maintained by Yves Peters and Erik Spiekermann, as well as others. Enjoy.

P.S. I officially own, so I will be designing a new layout in wordpress soon-ish. I'm super excited. I'll keep you posted. Cheers.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jason Santa Maria

It's been a few days since my last post, sorry. Super busy gearing up for the Germany trip. I've been meaning to post a blog about Jason Santa Maria's work for a while. I love the simplicity of his layout. Enjoy.


Monday, September 8, 2008

FFFor Real...

Wow! I've been way too busy these days, I starting to neglect my new postings. The thing is, it's only going to get worse until I get back from Germany. I've been meaning to post this site for a while, it's quite an amazing resource. FFF is great way to keep up on new design, and a hell of a way to kill some time. Enjoy!