Saturday, August 30, 2008

Our Type, is a fine type.

Alright, today has been intense to say the least. I've managed to change ALL of my websites over to a new web host, as well as change the domains and other house cleaning items. Along the way I manage to delete my portfolio website, arg. Thus I had to re-create all the text content on my site. Alright enough about work, work, work. While I was cleaning out old emails, I stumbled across Our Type, and amazing type studio in Europe. If the typography doesn't amaze you, the Flash based site sure as hell will. I'm glad I came across these guys again. Enjoy.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Compfight- Making Flickr Searching Easy

One of the routine roadblocks in planning a graphic design project is finding a substantial amount of images or graphics on the subject matter. Flickr has created a huge resource bank for images and ideas. However, navigating through all the posts can be difficult. Compfight does a good job of sorting results into an array of images, for you to review. It cuts through all the layers of links, and makes research a little more bearable, giving you more time to plan and design. I'm glad I stumbled upon it. Enjoy.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Good. Clean. Lit. Series

I'm starting a blog series title "Good. Clean. Lit." I hope to present some inspirational design literature, that can be downloaded as PDF. I've begun creating a personal resource folder that contains these files. The first PDF in the series is from AREA 17, a studio based in NYC and Paris. This booklet puts geometric shapes and Avant Garde to good use. PDF file can be downloaded here. Enjoy.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shaz Madani

Saw this portfolio on the Serif. Lovely collection of work. I really like the man vs mouse pieces he has. Enjoy. Also, just found out I have a category 1 hurricane coming my way, should be interesting.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cheat Sheet

So I constantly get values and conversions mixed up when I'm designing. With this, it makes it a little easier to adjust and reference common paper dimensions. I'm currently using it as my wallpaper. Email me if you want a copy of it. Cheers.


Destructed Magazine

Destructed is a pdf quaterly magazine, it allows artists to design based around a central topic. 

"The purpose of destructed is to enable the interplay of all participants of the Destructed project, to make available a place for interaction.Participants are not exclusively banded together by the actual output, or act, rather remain in a continuous state of collaboration. Destructed is a doorway designed to get away from it all. It serves our desire to seek, let take part in and unite friends and others who take pleasure in the creative process It is a non-profit platform to showcase works of artists with attitude an dedication." -Destructed Bio

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Heathrow Re-image Campaign

Creative Review covered the new British Airways series of ads that try to undo the damage Terminal 5 suffered in its launch earlier this year. I really like BBH London's direct focus of the campaign, confronting the core issues right off the bat.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Experimenta NZ

I've probably ranted and raved about this studio from New Zealand before, but I thought it was worth mentioning that they updated the work on their website. I really like what they do, keeping the projects very clean and in order. Now if there was only a way to get an A4 poster from them without paying an arm and a leg to ship it. Cheers.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Freebies and Junk

It's a lovely Sunday in FLA. Here's something I've been passing the time with. Also, this blog is a great source for freebies. I check it often for things to add to my library. To top off today's post, Kuler is a Flash app that let's you create color themes and export them to swatches. Enjoy!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

IKEA 2009

Sweet! I got an email about the new IKEA catalog. I'm loving a lot of the new products they are offering. I hope to the print copy in the mail, I'm never disappointed with the layout. Cheers.